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Horse Bedding

Pellet bedding is hugely beneficial for you and your horse because they takes up less storage space, is extremely effective at absorbing waste, and generates less waste helping to make your muck heap smaller.

Other wood pellet benefits include:

  • our pellets absorb up to triple their size
  • low dust content eases respiratory or allergy problems
  • sustainable and low moisture content which helps with problematic feet.
  • Biodegradable & compostable
  • 100% UK virgin wood, no additives.
  • Made at high temperatures which kills off bacteria & funguses

Pellets will expand when water is added to them.  They can be used pre-soaked, mixed with other bedding, or put down as pellets in the area you know your horse is likely to toilet.

Our wood pellets are 100% derived from virgin softwood with no additives so you are safe in the knowledge these will not harm you or your horse. Our pellets are made in the UK from sustainable and managed woodlands.  The wood is reduced to fine particles and then pressed through a pellet die at very high temperatures.  This softens the natural lignin within the wood and causes it to bind together creating a pellet.  The high temperatures used help to ensure any bacteria within the wood helping the health of you and your horse.